This is our most-capable, and most-frequently-used, GPC system, providing data from four complementary detectors simultaneously: 1) differential refractive index at 658 nm (DRI, Wyatt Optilab T-rEX), 2) dual-wavelength UV/visible absorption (UV, Waters 2487), 3) three-angle static light scattering at 658 nm (Wyatt minDAWN TREOS), and 4) intrinsic viscosity (Wyatt ViscoStar-II). Both the Wyatt ASTRA software package, and home-written analysis software, are employed for the construction of molecular weight distributions. The THF mobile phase is delivered by a Waters 515 pump, with a Rheodyne 7725i sample injector. Separation is effected by two Agilent 30 cm PLGel Mixed-C columns kept at 30°C by a Waters Column Heater Module and Waters Temperature Control Module II.