Book Chapters (including Conference Volumes and Encyclopedia Entries)

Book Chapters

Li, S. and R. A. Register, "Crystallization in Copolymers", Chapter 11 in Handbook of Polymer Crystallization, E. Piorkowska and G.C. Rutledge, eds. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2013), pp. 327-346.

Trawick, M.L., D.E. Angelescu, P.M. Chaikin, and R.A. Register, “Block Copolymer Nanolithography”, Chapter 1 in Nanolithography and Patterning  Techniques in Microelectronics, D.G. Bucknall, ed., (Cambridge:  Woodhead Publishing, Ltd., 2005), pp. 1-38.

Loo, Y.-L. and R.A. Register, “Crystallization Within Block Copolymer Mesophases”, Chapter 6 in Developments in Block Copolymer Science and Technology, I.W. Hamley, ed. (Chichester:  John Wiley & Sons, 2004), pp. 213-243.

Register, R.A. and R.K. Prud’homme, “Melt Rheology”, Chapter 5 in Ionomers:  Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications, M.R. Tant, K.A. Mauritz, and G.L. Wilkes, eds. (New York:  Chapman and Hall, 1997), pp. 208-260.

Encyclopedia Entries

Davis, R.L. and R.A. Register, “Domain Orientation in Thin Films of Block Copolymers”, in Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, S. Kobayashi and K. Müllen, eds. (New York:  Springer, 2015), pp. 612-620.

Kim, S.Y. and R.A. Register, “Applications of Block Copolymers in Thin Films:  Nanopatterning”, in Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, S. Kobayashi and K. Müllen, eds. (New York:  Springer, 2015), pp. 57-64.

Register, R.A., “Crystallizable Block and Graft Copolymers”, in Encyclopedia of Materials:  Science and Technology, K.H.J. Buschow, R.W. Cahn, M.C. Flemings, B. Ilschner, E.J. Kramer, and S. Mahajan, eds. (New York:  Pergamon Press, 2001), pp. 1909-1913.

Chaikin, P.M., C. Harrison, and R.A. Register, “Block Copolymer Templates for Nanolithography”, in Encyclopedia of Materials:  Science and Technology, K.H.J. Buschow, R.W. Cahn, M.C. Flemings, B. Ilschner, E.J. Kramer, and S. Mahajan, eds. (New York:  Pergamon Press, 2001), pp. 673-676.

Selected Conference Volumes

Pelletier, V., K. Asakawa, M. Wu, D.H. Adamson, R.A. Register, and P.M. Chaikin, “Aluminum Nanowire Polarizing Grids:  Fabrication and Analysis”, in Micromachining Technology for Micro-Optics and Nano-Optics V and Microfabrication Process Technology XII (Proc. SPIE 6462), M.-A. Maher, H.D. Stewart, J.-C. Chiao, T.J. Suleski, E.G. Johnson, and G.P. Nordin, eds. (San Diego:  SPIE, 2007), art. 646217. 

Konjhodzic, A., M. Aly, D. Chhabria, Z. Hasan, M. Wu, and R.A. Register, “Nano Arrays of Optically Addressable Rare Earth Doped Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Quantum Computing”, in Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing (Proc. SPIE 5362), H.J. Coufal and A.U. Hasan, eds. (San Diego:  SPIE, 2004), pp. 43-51. 

Chaikin, P.M., C. Harrison, M. Park, R.A. Register, D.H. Adamson, D.A. Huse, M.A. Trawick, R. Li, and P. Dapkus, “Nanopatterning with Diblock Copolymers”,  Chapter 1 in Nano Science and Technology:  Novel Structures and Phenomena, Z. Tang and P. Sheng, eds. (New York:  Taylor & Francis, 2003), pp. 3-24.

Madigan, C.F., T.R. Hebner, J.C. Sturm, S. Troian, and R.A. Register, “Lateral Dye Distribution with Ink-Jet Dye Doping of Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diodes”, Materials Development for Direct Write Technologies (Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 624), D.B. Chrisey, D.R. Gamota, H. Helvajian, and D.P. Taylor, eds., pp. 211-216 (Warrendale, PA:  Materials Research Society, 2000).

Jiang, X., R.A. Register, F. Pschenitzka, J.C. Sturm, K.A. Killeen, and M.E. Thompson, “Doped Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Random Copolymers Containing Both Hole and Electron Transport Groups”, Flat Panel Displays and Sensors—Principles, Materials and Processes (Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 558), F.R. Libsch, B. Chalamala, R. Friend, T. Jackson, and H. Ohshima, eds., pp. 433-438 (Warrendale, PA:  Materials Research Society, 1999).

Harrison, C., M. Park, P. Chaikin, R. Register, and D. Adamson, “Lithography with a Pattern of Block Copolymer Microdomains as a Positive or Negative Resist”, Chapter 1 in Micro- and Nanopatterning Polymers (ACS Symposium Series 706), H. Ito, E. Reichmanis, O. Nalamasu, and T. Ueno, eds., pp. 2-25 (Washington:  American Chemical Society, 1998).

Park, M., C. Harrison, P.M. Chaikin, R.A. Register, D. Adamson, and N. Yao, “Investigation of Diblock Copolymer Thin Film Morphology for Nanolithography”, Morphological Control in Multiphase Polymer Mixtures (Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 461), R.M. Briber, C.C. Han, and D.G. Peiffer, eds., pp. 179-184 (Pittsburgh:  Materials Research Society, 1997).

Wu, C.C., J.C. Sturm, R.A. Register, L. Suponeva, and M.E. Thompson, “Electron Injection Effects in Electroluminescent Devices Using Polymer Blend Thin Films”, Flat Panel Display Materials II (Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 424), M.K. Hatalis, J. Kanicki, C.J. Summers, and F. Funada, eds., pp. 489-494 (Pittsburgh:  Materials Research Society, 1997).

Bronstein, L.M., E.Sh. Mirzoeva, M.V. Seregina, P.M. Valetsky, S.P. Solodovnikov, and R.A. Register, “Nanodispersed Metal Particles in Polymeric Matrices”, in Nanotechnology:  Molecularly Designed Materials (ACS Symposium Series 622), G.M. Chow and K.E. Gonsalves, eds. (Washington:  American Chemical Society, 1996), pp. 102-115.